Exploring the Distinction Between Yellow Gold and White Gold

Yellow Gold and White Gold: A Comparison of Two Precious Metals

In the world of jewellery, yellow gold and white gold are highly sought-after choices, each possessing its own unique characteristics and allure. In this article, we will delve into the differences between the two, shedding light on their composition, properties, advantages, disadvantages, and maintenance requirements.

By understanding these distinctions, readers can make informed decisions when purchasing gold jewellery and select the perfect piece that suits their preferences and style.

Understanding Yellow Gold: A Symbol of Timeless Elegance

Yellow gold has captivated civilizations throughout history with its beauty and rarity. With its vibrant colour, yellow gold has a rich cultural significance and has been treasured for centuries. The purity of yellow gold jewellery is measured in carats, with 24 carat gold being the purest form.

Pure gold is naturally yellow and exceptionally soft, which makes it more prone to scratches and dents. However, it possesses remarkable resistance to tarnish, corrosion, and rust. This precious metal holds its value over time and is highly regarded for its enduring beauty.

Yellow gold has a long and illustrious history, having been used in gold jewellery for centuries. Gold jewellery was popular among ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans who prized its beauty and rarity.

Throughout the ages, yellow gold has remained a symbol of timeless elegance.

In modern times, pure gold is often alloyed with other metals to create durable pieces that are more resistant to scratches and dents than pure 24 carat gold. 

This creates different shades of yellow gold including rose gold which is created by adding copper or silver alloys to enhance its pink-hued colour. Rose gold has also become increasingly popular over recent years due to its unique hue and romantic connotations.

Unveiling White Gold: The Contemporary Alternative

White gold emerged in the early 20th century as a response to the growing demand for silver-coloured jewellery. It offers a sleek and modern alternative to traditional yellow gold. White gold is an alloy created by combining pure gold with white metals such as nickel, palladium, or silver.

This alloying process imparts a distinctive silvery-white appearance to the gold, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a silver-toned metal with the durability and prestige associated with gold.

White gold has been used in jewellery since the early 20th century, but it wasn’t until the 1920s that it started to gain widespread popularity. This era marked a shift towards modernity and elegance in jewellery design, and white gold became a symbol of these contemporary aesthetics. 

Its clean and sophisticated appearance made it particularly appealing for engagement rings and wedding bands, adding a touch of glamour to these meaningful pieces of jewellery. During this period, white gold jewellery was often set with sparkling diamonds or other precious gemstones, further enhancing its allure.

As time went on, white gold’s popularity continued to grow, captivating both traditional and contemporary jewellery enthusiasts. Its versatile silver-white hue complements a wide range of styles, from classic to avant-garde. 

Jewellers have embraced the possibilities offered by white gold’s malleability, crafting intricate and unique designs that showcase its inherent beauty. 

In recent years, there has been a surge of experimentation in white gold jewellery design, with some artisans exploring innovative combinations of yellow and white gold to create captivating contrast and visual interest in their creations. 

This blending of warm and cool tones adds an intriguing dimension to the jewellery, appealing to those who seek something truly distinctive.

White gold’s allure lies not only in its aesthetic appeal but also in its ability to effortlessly adapt to various white gold jewellery designs. 

Whether it’s a delicate necklace, an ornate bracelet, or a statement ring, white gold’s versatility allows it to shine in any setting. Its inherent elegance and timeless charm make it a favourite choice for both everyday wear and special occasions, ensuring that white gold remains a cherished and beloved choice for discerning jewellery lovers.

Composition and Properties: Understanding the Differences

Pure gold consists of at least 99.9% gold, which gives it its characteristic yellow hue. However, this precious metal is relatively soft and malleable, making it less suitable for gold jewellery that requires strength and durability. To address this, yellow gold is often mixed with other metals, such as copper or silver, to create different gold alloys with varying properties and colours.

White gold is created by alloying pure gold with white metals such as nickel, palladium, or silver. The addition of these alloying metals gives white gold its distinctive silvery-white colour. To achieve the desired appearance, the ratio of gold to alloying metals may vary. 

Additionally, white gold jewellery is often plated with a thin layer of rhodium to enhance its shine and maintain its bright white colour over time.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Exploring the advantages and disadvantages of yellow gold and white gold will help you make an informed choice that suits personal preferences and style for your gold jewellery.

Yellow Gold


  1. Timeless Elegance: Yellow gold carries a classic appeal that transcends trends and time, making it an enduring choice for gold jewellery.
  2. Resistant to Tarnish: Pure gold is highly resistant to tarnish, corrosion, and rust, ensuring that your jewellery retains its lustrous appearance.


  1. Softness: Pure gold is relatively soft, making it more prone to scratches and dents. It requires careful handling and maintenance to preserve its beauty.
  2. Higher Cost: Compared to white gold, pure yellow gold is often more expensive due to its higher purity level.

White Gold


  1. Versatility: White gold offers the appeal of silver-coloured jewellery while retaining the durability and prestige associated with gold. It provides a versatile option for a wide range of jewellery designs.
  2. Modern Aesthetic: White gold has a contemporary look that complements a variety of styles, making it a popular choice among fashion-forward individuals.


  1. Rhodium Plating: Over time, the rhodium plating on white gold jewellery may wear off, requiring periodic re-plating to maintain its bright white appearance.
  2. Allergies: Some individuals may have allergic reactions to certain alloying metals, such as nickel, commonly used in white gold. It is important to consider any known metal allergies before selecting white gold jewellery.

Maintenance and Care: Preserving the Beauty of Gold and White Gold

Proper maintenance and care are crucial for both yellow gold and white gold jewellery to preserve their beauty and longevity. Here are some general tips to help you maintain your precious pieces:

Regular Cleaning:

  • Use a mild soap and warm water solution to clean your gold and white gold jewellery.
  • Gently scrub the jewellery with a soft brush, paying attention to hard-to-reach areas.
  • Rinse the jewellery thoroughly with clean water and pat dry with a soft cloth.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

  • Remove your gold and white gold jewellery before using harsh chemicals, such as bleach or chlorine, which can damage the metals and gemstones.


  • Store your gold and white gold jewellery in separate compartments or soft pouches to prevent scratching and tangling.
  • Avoid exposing your jewellery to excessive moisture or direct sunlight, as it can cause damage and discoloration.

Professional Maintenance:

  • Periodically visit a reputable jeweller for professional cleaning, polishing, and inspection.
  • Professionals can assess the condition of your jewellery, check for loose gemstones or damaged settings, and provide any necessary repairs.

By following these maintenance guidelines, you can enjoy your gold and white gold jewellery for years to come, ensuring they continue to shine and retain their value.

Yellow gold and white gold offer distinct options for jewellery enthusiasts, each with its own allure, characteristics, and maintenance requirements. Yellow gold embodies timeless elegance and is highly resistant to tarnish, while white gold provides a contemporary alternative with its silvery-white appearance.

Understanding the composition, properties, advantages, disadvantages, and proper care of both yellow gold and white gold jewellery is essential when selecting the perfect piece. Whether you prefer the classic charm of yellow gold or the modern appeal of white gold, both options hold their unique beauty and significance.

As you embark on your journey to find the perfect piece of jewellery, consider 

the distinct qualities of yellow gold and white gold, allowing you to make an informed choice that reflects your personal style and resonates with your preferences.

Gold Could be Greener as Recycling Remains Popular

Gold may be known as the yellow metal, but did you know it could also be one of the greenest? That’s because, instead of sourcing gold from resource-intensive mining operations, we can ensure a more circular economy by recycling the gold we have. 

A golden circular loop 

If you know anything about gold, certainly in its purest forms, it can be soft and easily melted into different shapes. Mining for gold has always come at a price, not just in monetary terms, but in environmental ones too. Our quest for more of it has caught the eyes of consumers increasingly, prompting more of us to source gold in a greener way. 

The World Gold Council has concluded that a green revolution is upon us, as 28 per cent of the world’s gold supply as of 2020 was sourced from recycling. The move towards greener sources of gold enjoyed a bounce in 2020, as supply from recycling saw its share of total supply rise, despite a drop in overall supply by four per cent. 

This golden moment for recycled gold came as gold prices hit an all-time high in 2020, and evidence points to ‘green’ gold being more preferable than freshly-mined alternatives. A paper published in 2020 goes as far as to suggest that recycled gold is 300 times better for the planet than gold sourced through primary production. The choice is simple: stick to the more polluting mining sources, or embrace a greener, circular economy for gold. 

Gold comes first 

You only have to look to Japan as this summer’s Olympic hosts to see the value of recycling gold. The Japanese government came up with the ingenious idea of taking discarded smartphones and other technology, sifting through them for scrap gold and recycling it to make the Olympic medals for this year’s athletes. 

UK Scrap Gold sees the value in recycled gold, as it is a finite resource and demand is just so great for it. Any scrap gold item you have to sell could easily be melted down and reshaped into something entirely new for a wide array of potential buyers. Prices are attractive as they remain close to the all-time high established in the summer of 2020. 

For example, by selling to UK Scrap Gold, you could expect to make £15.13 from a single gram of 9-carat gold. Selling can be facilitated easily, simply by filling in our seller’s form. By requesting for your item to be picked up from your doorstep by Royal Mail, you can dodge the queues at the Post Office and track your parcel on its way to us. Search ‘Parcel Collect’ to access the Royal Mail collection service. 

Upon receipt of the item, we can assess its value and present you with an offer, but if you’d like to discuss selling or some other matter first, why not give us a call on 01902 623 254? 

Operational Update

Our offices will be closed from 3pm on Friday 30th July until 9am on Monday 9th August, to give our hard-working team a break after another very hectic period.  

We operate with a very small team and rather than rotating individuals onto annual leave and putting more pressure on the remaining staff members as a result, we have decided to close our offices for a full week so that everyone can get some much-needed rest and the opportunity to re-connect with family and friends as lockdown measures are now starting to ease. 

We have timed the closure to minimize disruption as much as possible. Whilst we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the holiday closure, the wellbeing of our staff members and our ability to continue to provide outstanding service to our customers in the months ahead are of great importance to us.  

As our offices will be unoccupied, please do not send items to us for delivery during the closure. Mail will not be delivered to us during this period and will be held in Royal Mail or courier depots until our return. 

Wishing all of our customers a peaceful and healthy summer. 


12th November 2020
As the latest Covid Lock-Down in England adds to the restrictions that are already in force, to varying degrees, in all parts of the United Kingdom, we wish to re-assure our customers that we are still open for business.

We have very strict protocols in place to keep our members of staff safe in the workplace and business continues, albeit not as usual.

We are still receiving packages sent to us by insured Royal Mail Special Delivery and for higher value sales we are able to make Covid-secure arrangements to receive personally delivered consignments, strictly by appointment only and subject to compliance with our protocols. Please call for details if you wish to visit us to sell items.

For clients that are self-isolating or unwilling to visit a Post Office, the new Royal Mail Collect service may be of interest. It is now possible to have insured Special Delivery parcels collected from your home or workplace by Royal Mail for a small additional fee. Visit Royal Mail Parcel Collect Service for details. (Select large letter or small parcel, depending on the weight of your items and select Special Delivery service with an insurance level that covers the contents.) We strongly recommend that a tamper-proof Royal Mail Special Delivery pouch is used when sending precious metals through the post. These pouches are available free of charge from a Post Office. If you are unable to access a Post Office to collect a pouch we will be happy to post a selling kit out to you, just give us a call.

The recent news that a Covid vaccine could be available in the near future seems to have given the Nation a glimmer of hope that 2021 could see the lifting of many of the restrictions that we are currently enduring. We all hope to see improvements in the situation which will allow as social a Christmas period as possible.

In the meantime, please follow the rules that apply to your particular area and Stay Safe.


Gold Offers Post-Lockdown Cash Boost

It’s no secret that money has been tight for many of us over the past year of lockdowns. Whether you’ve passed through the lockdowns on furlough, or are planning for retirement, the shock from COVID-19 has hit household finances hard. However, if you have a bit of scrap gold tucked away in your home, it could be the perfect time to sell, and benefit from the COVID-19 gold price boom. 

A golden dividend for 2021 

Scrap gold comes in all shapes and sizes, and may have been acquired recently or several generations ago, passed down through the family. Whichever way you have got hold of scrap gold items, such as necklaces, chains, rings, coins and other such items, they have a great intrinsic value, purely thanks to the metal that they’re made from. 

Gold has been treasured as one of the rarest noble metals for centuries, and if you decided to sell with UK Scrap Gold today, you could expect to make £15.20 from just one gram of 9 carat gold. Imagine what a heavier item with a greater purity could be worth. But why is this so? 

Gold prices have soared over the past two decades, from just over £300 per ounce in the early-2000s to over £1,500 last summer. Prices may have come down a little since then, but gold is certainly worth several times more than it has ever been in nominal terms. These opportunities may take many years to come, and fortunately, 2021 could be just the time to sell. 

Selling your gold in 2021 

Prices are high and your scrap gold is worth more than ever before, but how do you turn to a gold buyer you can trust? UK Scrap Gold has been providing such a service for many years now, and our website has its own special page to help track gold prices, so you can pick a period of bullish price action to make your sale. 

Want to get a free valuation without sending a single gram? Check out our Gold Scrap Calculator, and just input the item’s weight and purity, and a near-instant valuation can be given. For a more detailed valuation, why not arrange a Zoom call with us, and let one of our specialists analyse your item via video-call? 

If you wish to make a sale today, it’s time to fill in the Seller’s Form here. To minimise the spread of COVID-19 and ensure your package reaches us safely, we strongly encourage you to use fully insured Special Delivery with the Royal Mail’s home collection service. This service will ensure your item is picked up from your doorstep, and you can track it until it reaches us, where we can analyse it and give you an offer you’ll hopefully find to your liking. 

For more information about selling scrap gold with UK Scrap Gold, call us on 01902 623 254 today. 

Crystal-Clear Prices for Precious Metal Sellers

In case you didn’t know, gold and silver have been on a tear in 2020. Gold prices managed to surge to an all-time high, above £1,500 per troy ounce just this summer. Silver is lagging somewhat, but also made decent gains, having enjoyed a COVID-19-induced leap. 

This means any gold or silver you find in your home could fetch a far higher price than ever before. Sadly, we’ve seen a rise in unscrupulous or even fraudulent people enter the market as buyers, trying to cash in on this trend. Don’t get left in the dark by a scrap buyer today – sell your items with UK Scrap Gold instead. 

Our numbers add up for gold and silver 

UK Scrap Gold has been closely watching gold and silver trend higher over the course of the year. Prices are impressive for scrap at the moment, making it an ideal time to sell. As mentioned, a valuation is crucial, but you also need to know the context.  

Some buyers are just not clear enough about the prices they offer for your scrap and how they calculate it. Some might not even publish what the actual price of gold is, effectively putting you in the dark about how much your item could actually be worth. 

That’s why we provide a Live Gold Tracker page, which lets you chart the price of gold in real time. In order to get an accurate valuation for individual items, all you have to do is use our Scrap Gold Calculator. Just enter the weight and purity of the item, measured in carats. 

Just one gram of 9-carat gold could yield as much as £16.74, so heavier items with a greater purity could be worth even more for you. Making a sale with us offers greater sums than other vendors, thanks to our digitised approach to gold transactions. This keeps a lid on overheads, making sure you get a higher sum for your item. 

Transparency in selling precious metals 

Many sites facilitate sales of precious metals just like us, but our scrap gold calculators are a far more transparent way for us to help you make a sale. It puts the requisite information right at your fingertips, so you can make a truly informed decision. 

Any questions regarding transactions, payment, delivery and much more can be answered by checking out some of our Frequently Asked Questions. These can especially come in handy, if you’re new to selling scrap gold and silver.

Gold and silver are considered precious metals for a reason – even a few old rings, chains or other jewellery could attract a tidy sum. To see just how satisfied you could be with our service, check out our Testimonials page. We’ve helped a long list of customers with sales over the years. If you’re happy with your transaction, why not leave a comment when you have the time!  

When it comes to getting in touch, some buyers aren’t easy to find. Addresses might be unclear, and it could be tricky to be able to meet them face-to-face in any way. UK Scrap Gold works out of its offices in Wolverhampton, as listed in our Contact Us page.  

While we encourage customers to avoid booking an in-person appointment at present, until restrictions are lifted, that option is there for you when the time comes, should you request it. 

The actual sales process is easy – why not call us on 01902 623 254 or message us on our Contact Us page to get started. A member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible, to help with your enquiries. 

Gold Prices Close to All-Time Highs During Economic Downturn

The UK is in what may be its worst recession in living memory, but it’s not all doom and gloom. The economy grew slightly in June and July, and the price of gold is near all-time highs.

Today, 2nd September, gold prices are £1,464.23 per troy ounce , while at the beginning of August they were at a record high of £1,508, coinciding with a recession threatening jobs across the country. 

The recession is likely to start a gold rush, as investors look to flock to this safe haven asset to protect their wealth. It might seem like an illogical time to start investing in precious metals, but as those in the gold community know, gold often holds its value extremely well during tough times.

Is gold on an upward trend?

Gold prices have been rising for quite a long time. Prices have virtually doubled over the last 10 years and by a staggering 30 per cent this year. With the recession developing many in the gold community will hope that gold holds its value for the next few months at the very least.

Why do gold prices hold their value during times of crisis?

Gold is considered a safe haven asset. A safe haven investment is expected to either retain or increase its value during market volatility. Safe havens are turned to by investors when they are trying to protect their wealth in response to economic downturns like recessions. 

Gold is less turbulent than stocks, which can fluctuate wildly in periods of recession. Gold is also thought to be a hedge against inflation.

Sell scrap gold online

All this means that if you happen to have scrap gold at home, with prices being as high as they are, you could stand to earn a decent sum of money selling your scrap gold.

We accept items containing gold, silver, platinum, or palladium. Here’s a full list of what we buy. So whether you have any unwanted jewellery at home, trophies, tableware or scrap we will offer you competitive rates. On the other hand you might have gold bars or coins purchased as an investment, which you wish to now sell. 

Whatever the case, selling scrap gold and precious metals with UK Scrap Gold is a quick and easy process.

At the time of writing, we can offer you £16.62 for one gram of 9 carat gold. This competitive price beats many scrap gold purchasers. So, if you had a 9 Carat necklace which weighs 7 grams you could make £116.34 at current prices.

How it works – 3 steps

1. Use our gold price calculator to value your precious metal at home

2. Post us your gold – by Royal Mail Insured Delivery

3. Receive your payment in just 24 hours

Sell to UK Scrap Gold to receive payment on the same day we receive your items.

Sell your gold with UK Scrap Gold

Send us a message via our online form or contact us by telephone to discuss your items. We can be reached on 01902 623 254.

If you’d like to book an appointment to chat face-to-face give us a call. Our office is based in Wolverhampton.